Looking to Restart Your Business

Looking to Restart Your Business

Looking to Restart Your Business After COVID-19?
There are many unknowns for a business owner looking to restart your business as lockdown from Coronavirus is lifted.

Will your existing suppliers still be in business? Will your customers come back to you? Almost certainly, we will be facing a deep recession and significant unemployment, plus how long will it take for the economy to (hopefully) recover back to what can be classed as ‘normal’?

Right now, no one can tell you for certain & many of these issues are beyond your control.

All we can do, is to proactively manage everything within our control, so that we can earn a living again, so that we have money in our pockets to spend with other businesses, supporting them……. who in turn can support others….. rebuilding the local and UK economy back to where it was and on to greater things.

Looking to Restart Your Business

CoronaVirus & the Potential Business Opportunities
Recovering from the CoronaVirus lockdown can be a big opportunity for many business owners. It is astonishing to see that while the country was locked down, UK retail sales only dropped by 18%.

Or, to put it another way, 82% of retails sales still happened, even with the high street shut!

While the headline figure may look shocking, it is far more amazing that 82% of product still got sold.

Some sections of retail fared better than others. For example, clothing saw a 50% decrease during lockdown. Not surprising when you look at the time of year and UK buying habits.

Locked down at home, not socialising or attending any parties, events, days out or having holidays, we don’t have the impetus to add to our wardrobes as we normally might.

But, 50% of clothing still sold….. a massive figure considering all our high street and shopping centre outlets were closed. Additionally, Next online (one of our larger online clothing retailers) was closed for most of the period too.

Amazon naturally saw a massive spike in sales during lockdown across the whole range of products.

Changing Shopping Habits
Our Shopping habits have changed. It has been claimed and suggested that the lockdown has accelerated the move towards online shopping by as much as 5 years.

One big unknown is how much online sales will retain their current traction and how much will return to the high street.

Bricks and mortar shops may well continue to struggle, with social distancing creating queues, slowing the whole shopping process and turning a trip to the shops into a tedious chore.

It is anticipated that some shoppers will return as soon as stores open their doors again, but consider the amount of people who have now tried shopping online and have been forced to get used to deliveries.

Opportunity Awaits with COVID Kickstart
For thousands of small and medium sized businesses, the time for online is now. As more of their customers have moved online, there has never been a better time to become their online shop of choice.

Did you know that more than half of the goods sold on Amazon are sold by small independent British retailers? They use Amazon as a route to market because of their footfall…. Amazon isn’t the enemy of the small independents that many people might think.

But, there are other equally successful routes to find customers online. It all depends on what you are selling, who you are targeting as a customer and the volume of sales you are looking for.

So if you are looking to restart your business now, then we at Direct Submit have developed a proven set of SEO Services that can help your business grow by focusing on three key areas:

Higher Search Engine Rankings
Our company has designed and delivers a search engine optimisation service that is both ethical and result-driven. We use the latest tools, strategies, and trends to help you move up in the search engines for the right keywords to get noticed by the right audience.

Quality Website Traffic
Higher search rankings for the right keywords can have a huge impact on the amount of traffic and quality of traffic that your website receives. Millions of consumers use Google on a daily basis to search for the products and services they have a need for. When relevant searches for your business are made, our goal is that the search includes your company’s website.

Measurable Results
Transparency in deliverables and results from your SEO campaign comes without question. At Direct Submit, we provide SEO reports on a regular basis, which break down the detailed data regarding the success of your campaign in a clean and clear manner. Information such as increased search engine positions, traffic, sources, leads sources, custom goals, and much more come standard.

So why not give Direct Submit a call to see how we can help you promote your business on the Internet. Remember, Studies show that 97% of consumers now go online to find local services, with 82% of smartphone users use a search engine when looking for a local business or service. Think about the extra sales and business you would get from being top of those local search results.

Call us today on 0845 2722350 or visit our website and find out how we can help you take advantage of the many potential business opportunities available now to your business.