Bing Announces All In One SEO Integration

Bing Announces All In One SEO Integration

Bing Announces All In One SEO Integration.
Bing announces the All In One SEO Plugin for WordPress supports the IndexNow protocol, which instantly informs search engines of content changes. IndexNow is integrated into the All In One WordPress plugin. This means faster indexing for WordPress Users.

One of the biggest problems with SEO is the time it takes search engines like Google and Bing to discover the changes on your website and alter rankings and indexing accordingly.

Many website owners wait weeks or months before realizing the search engines recognized their changes. By then, the website made additional changes that haven’t been recognized and indexed. It often leads to frustration for both digital marketing companies and SEO managers.

The integration allows a website to reduce that time from weeks to hours.

The All In One SEO WordPress plugin has more than two million users and is one of the most popular SEO plugins available. One of its biggest advantages is providing a single plugin for many actions that once required multiple ones.

Features include:

>>> On-page analysis where you easily add metadata, keywords, and other information.
>>> The use of schema markup to provide context to Google bots crawling a website. Schema lets the bots know what information they’re seeing and helps with being included in rich snippets such as knowledge graphs and Q & As.
>>> A local SEO package for improved rankings in local searches for businesses operating within a certain radius.
>>> Sitemaps for videos for better inclusion in Google video search.

IndexNow lets websites notify search engines such as Bing, Google, and Yandex of changes made to a website. For example, if a site creates a blog, deletes pages, or loads hundreds of product URLs, then it submits HTTP requests.

It pings the search engines to let them know the site is altered and requires new indexing and ranking. Search bots only occasionally crawl websites looking for new and changed content. Until they do, the index for the site won’t change.

IndexNow is a widely supported protocol that tells the search engine to prioritize the site for crawling.

The lifeblood of a website is proper indexing and ranking in search engines, but waiting weeks or longer for a web crawl is frustrating. Integration between All In One SEO and IndexNow means long waits are over.