Difference between Content Optimisation & SEO?

The keyword is still relevant, but SEO has become more complex. Keyword optimisation is a framework for SEO. Similarly, you could say that topic modeling (how words and phrases are interrelated) is a framework for content optimisation. With the rise of semantic search, the goal is to cover a topic rather than zoning in on a specific keyword. Think “content strategy” rather than “keyword density.”

Avoid creating disjointed pages optimized for a specific keyword. In this white paper from MarketMuse, you will learn how to create authoritative content, as well as:

•Understand the intent behind a query.
•Shift toward “content strategy” rather than “keyword density.”
•The difference between content optimization and SEO.

Direct Submit offer a comprehensive range of Internet Marketing and SEO services to our clients, and aim to get your website to the top of the search engine rankings and keeping them there. How can we do that? By using a combination of SEO submissions, link building, social media, directory work and many other ‘white hat’ processes. In short, our expertise and commitment will help keep you website at the top of Google, Yahoo and Bing!

As leading UK Internet Marketing and SEO consultants, we are committed to providing you with the highest level of service and expertise. All our clients are unique and each receives customised strategy that utilises today’s best practices for your business. Call us today on 0845 2722350 and get your website working harder for your business.