Google to Make it Easier to Add Multiple Properties to Search Console

Google to Make it Easier to Add Multiple Properties to Search Console
Google’s John Mueller revealed that the company is looking into simplifying the process of adding multiple properties to Search Console.

Currently, site owners are required to add multiple versions of the same domain separately. That means individually adding the WWW, non-WWW, HTTP, and HTTPS versions and verifying each one.

A simplified process would involve adding just the root of a website to Search Console, and then Google would automatically add all different versions to the same listing.

This is a topic that came up during a recent Google Webmaster Central hangout. A site owner was looking for confirmation that it’s still necessary to add the WWW and non-WWW versions of a domain to Search Console.

Mueller confirmed that is still required for the time being. However, Google is looking into ways to make the process easier. The company is even open to hearing ideas from webmasters about how to do this.

The full response from Mueller is as follows:

“We’re currently looking into ways to make that process a little bit easier.

So we’ll probably ask around for input from, I don’t know, on Twitter or somewhere else, to see what your ideas are there. Where basically you just add the root of your website and then we automatically include the dub-dub-dub, non-dub-dub-dub, HTTP, HTTPS versions in the same listing. So that you have all of the data in one place.

Maybe it would even make sense to include subdomains there. I don’t know, we’d probably like to get your feedback on that. So probably we will ask around for more tips from your side in that regard.

But at the moment if you want to make sure you have all of the data I definitely recommend adding all of those variations, even though it clutters things up a little bit.“