Guaranteed SEO Results

Guaranteed SEO Results

Guaranteed SEO Results
It’s virtually impossible for someone to guarantee your SEO results. As we’ve mentioned before in our blogs, it’s become a very popular sales tactic but it’s impossible that any agency can guarantee these types of results.

Even Google has even stated multiple times that if an SEO agency is offering you guaranteed results or even states that they have in with someone who’s currently employed by Google, you should question the general motives of the SEO specialist you’re chatting with.

Guaranteed SEO Results

This also ties directly into the introductory call or what’s truthfully the qualification call – maybe when you are contacted by an SEO company. This call is done to ensure that the SEO company has the potential to be the right fit for you, your business and your website, as well as ensuring that you’re the right fit for the SEO company.

Many times, during this call, you might ask questions that simply cannot be answered by the salesperson because it might be a bit too technical. This makes it super-easy for the sale person to make up an answer that they believe you’d like to hear. Often untrue or just designed to get their salesman into your office. Some salesmen or SEO agencies even go as far as to offer guaranteed SEO services straight on their website, which is a typical no-no for Search Engine Optimisation services.

So why trust us here at Direct Submit. In one way or another, as the SEO director in our agency, I’m heavily involved with the entire sales process, to ensure that we’re able to give the best answers that’ll properly manage the expectations of the campaign.

Although we offer very effective SEO services we cannot guarantee SEO Results. Take a look at what Google itself says: “No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google. Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings, allege a “special relationship” with Google, or advertise a “priority submit” to Google”. No reputable SEO firm would suggest they can guarantee results!