Local SEO Services in the North East

Local SEO Services in the North East

Local SEO Services in the North East
Local SEO is the key to driving more people to your online business. As a budding entrepreneur or an established business, looking to drive more traffic to your website, then the North East offers plenty of opportunities for business growth.

With opportunity, however, comes a battle for more business. It’s an incredibly crowded market.

Our local SEO service is your ticket to the top of the Google rankings. Local SEO is all about providing results that are relevant to a searcher in their specific geographical location. We have extensive experience in providing SEO services that grow brands locally and attract more customers.

So why aren’t you getting results right now? Because without the right SEO marketing strategy in place, your customers can’t find you. If your site isn’t showing up high enough in the search results, you are losing business, plain and simple.

Want More Local Business?

Studies show that 97% of consumers now go online to find local services, with 82% of smartphone users use a search engine when looking for a local business or service. How do you connect with these consumers? With Direct Submit local search engine optimisation (SEO) services.

Here at Direct Submit, our team of SEO experts will create a bespoke results-driven strategy to improve your SEO and help to boost your conversions. Ultimately, our SEO services are designed to drive qualified website traffic and leads to your business.

We have been providing quality SEO services in the North East and wider UK Since 2002. With offices in Durham and Newcastle, and are now delivering SEO and marketing services to many companies in Durham and Newcastle and the surrounding areas.