Stan Timmins – North East Tree Surgeons

Using a Qualified and Registered Tree Surgeon

If you’re living on the countryside or own farmland, chances are, you will need tree surgery at some point. Over the last few years, we’ve seen storms rage across the UK during the wintertime, and the number of storms seem to be increasing every year. As a result, thousands of trees are at risk of falling and doing serious damage to houses, traffic, and even pedestrians. That’s why it’s important to contact a tree surgeon and let them know of your concerns so that they can minimize the risk of dead trees falling onto public roads. Here at Stan Timmins Tree Surgeons, we are ready to get to work on both domestic and commercial tree surgery. We work in Newcastle and the North East, so we cover a wide area and are ready to get working when you say the word.


In this article, we’ll take a look at some reasons why it’s important to use a qualified and registered tree surgeon, along with some of the benefits of doing so.

1. Checks If Your Intended Tree Surgery Is Affected by a Tree Protection Order

In the UK, all your intended works (tree surgery, tree felling, etc.,) must be checked and approved by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) to see if your plans may affect conservation or any other ecological ecosystem. With most tree surgeons, they will be able to check with a TPO to see if your proposed plans are allowed. Here at Stan Timmins Tree Surgeons, we submit your proposed plans to a TPO, plus the Local Authority to get your plans approved. This means that we can go ahead with your intended work. You’ll have to do less paperwork and spend time filling out applications. We do all that work for you.

2. Regulate Traffic Flow

If you need trees cut around a highway or road area, this means the incoming traffic will be affected by the machinery, since one side of the road will be blocked. However, some tree surgeons help regulate traffic flow by placing down temporary traffic lights or signs which will alert drivers. This will help the tree surgery run smoothly, while also keeping the traffic flowing. It’s always a great relief to know that all aspects of the traffic will be taken care of while the tree surgery is taking place. Not all tree surgeons do this, but we do this as well as carrying out highway tree surgery.

3. Precision and Variety

A tree surgeon will have the skillset and precision required to carry out a variety of tree surgery from working with tree stumps to cutting down towering Oak trees. Every tree requires the experience and knowledge required to carry out the tree surgery safely and accurately. Since there are so many varieties of trees, each of varying sizes and breadths, you always need to trust a tree surgeon who will carry out the job quickly and accurately, without any fatalities. That’s why using a qualified tree surgeon is so important, and most tree surgeons carry out dozens of techniques to carry out the requires tree surgery. It all depends on the tree at hand and the work needed to be done.


When you’re about to embark on tree surgery, it can be a daunting experience to search for a qualified and registered tree surgeon. We believe at Stan Timmins Tree Surgeons that we can provide you with the quickest and most accurate tree surgery, to suit whatever work you need done. We offer the advantages listed above and we have had many customers who have praised us and thanked us for our work. You can see these customers at our Testimonials page.