Why Content is important for SEO

Why Content is important for SEO

Why Content is important for SEO
Yoast, the online SEO company, have recently published an interesting article on Why the purpose of your text is important for SEO. A lot of people forget to properly formulate the purpose of their blog post or article. But if you do not properly define the aim of your text, you could be missing out on valuable opportunities.

You shouldn’t write just for the sake of writing but because you have an idea of what you want your audience to know or do. Let’s examine why defining the purpose of your text is important, plus, some great writing tips.

You can distinguish three main goals a text can have:

> Your objective could be to inform people.
> Another purpose would be to persuade people. You want people to buy your products or to return to your website.
> The goal of your text could also be to entertain or amuse. You could write a text to make your audience laugh or move them.

These three text purposes are not at all mutually exclusive. A piece could be informative and amusing at the same time!

Long term business aims and text purpose
Your company or your website will have long term business objectives. You should think about those long term business aims while determining the purpose of the text on your website. If the texts on your website are in line with those goals, it’ll help achieve them.

Let’s look at an example. At Yoast.com, we write blog posts, largely to inform people about SEO. So the text purpose of those posts is to inform people. However, we also want people to become return visitors and to gain trust in our brand. Eventually, the long term purpose of our informative blogs is to gain enough trust for people to buy one of our products.

Search intent and text purpose
Besides thinking about how the goal of a text aligns with your business objectives, also consider if it aligns with the search intent of people visiting your post or page. People looking for information won’t like ending up on a persuasive page. Similarly, if people want to buy something and end up on one of your pages, but it’s not written persuasively, you’re missing out!

Link building and text purpose
If the purpose of your post is to generate links from others to improve your rankings in Google, you should think about the character of your post as well. To attract links from other sites, you should focus on writing informative or amusing posts. Persuasive posts, in which (sales) arguments are most prominent, will usually not receive as many links as purely informative posts. People are simply more likely to share an informative or amusing post than a purely persuasive post, as the ulterior motive of these posts isn’t as obvious.